
Weekly Captures

To Dance, Live, Laugh and Love!

These thoughts, I know, are important. They need to be recorded. But they are thought so fast that I don’t what I’ve been thinking before another barrage hits the first and I am left reeling in a mess of confusing ideas. There are days when the world seems bright and sunny, when life comes easy as pie but every now and then there is a dark spell.

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Complete Your Lies

All of nature’s delights cannot provide the gentle calm of a lover’s embrace. There has never existed a simpler gesture which is more emphatic than a hug. There has also never existed a void larger than the distance between two estranged lovers. Try reaching someone who sits right next to you and is miles away at the same time. It may take no more than a swift swipe of fate to chop a whole into halves.

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Write Until i Think

More than a few months have passed since that night which was so desolate an affair as to be voiceless in a sea of thoughts. The swarm of thoughts that came to me swayed as if a storm was up and about, battering them with a torrential downpour of ideas that resonated with the words “If Only”. Voices talked about my fear and the accompanying frustration. I wanted to capture time and erase painful memories that stirred up a rage powered by a hundred-and-one repressed emotions and unremembered misdeeds. The most hurtful prose ever written was bursting at its seams in my mind as I fantasised writing word after word, idiom after idiom of savage nothings… Continue reading “Write Until i Think”

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